Wrapping up

So this blogging experience has definitely been a challenge and eye-opening at the same time.

When I first started blogging, I truly didn’t think it was going to be difficult – I guess that was a terrible assumption. I realized that finding new content every single time that other bloggers hadn’t already posted in their music blogs. I found it difficult to keep the content consistent and relevant for the readers; furthermore, it was hard to get the reader’s attentions and keep it!

On the bright side, I did find it kind of amazing that I could talk about the field I loved the most for four months. I can’t necessarily have these conversations in my general social context. It was most certainly a great outlet to pursue my passion.

Now that the experience of blogging is over, the question remains: am I going to continue blogging?

In all honesty, I don’t feel as though I am passionate enough about blogging but on the other hand, I have decided to get more involved my field of interest (music) and get more active on social platforms (Flickr, Facebook, Twitter etc.) in order to keep up more with the field. I will pursue the research I did for the blog but not continue the blog.

I hope everyone had a good time reading my blog posts 🙂 It was a great semester!